I love that the sleeping bunny shows my daughter to stay in bed, and the wide-awake bunny shows my daughter it's okay to wake up. The night light is fantastic because my daughter occasionally likes to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, and she wakes me up because she doesn't want to walk in the dark. The night light offers her the comfort of going to the bathroom, with a little bit of light, and not have to wake me up. Lastly, I love the sound of the alarm clock. It has a bird chirping noise that is non-irritating and non-harsh. You can also have it set so that a rooster sound goes off as the awake bunny is illuminated.
My daughter thought it was a toy at first, as she tried to play with it, but now she knows it's her little clock. She loves looking at the night light as she sleeps, and loves the awake bunny when she wakes up. When the alarm clock goes off, she says, "Mom, Wake up!" So now she has become my own alarm clock. I feel that there is some sort of role reversal going on, but that is A okay with me!
It is suggested that from birth-2 years, the Kidsleep be used as a night light. From 2-6 years, used as a sleep training aid, with the option of using the alarm clock. You don't need to purchase any batteries, just plug to an outlet, and it comes with 2 extra bulbs. It's a really neat product that my daughter will be able to enjoy for years to come. They also carry the Globetrotter, which is smaller and battery operated, for everyday use or travel. For more information, please visit: http://livelovedream.com/.
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