Saturday, April 25, 2009

Things my daughter says, that melts my heart and makes me laugh.

She says:
  • I love you mommy! (blows a kiss with her hand)
  • You are a princess, just like me.
  • It's my mommy's, don't touch!
  • Be careful! (She holds onto my hands really tight, and if there is a car, she will not let me move)
  • Where can we buy grandma?
  • Where did you buy my face?
  • I love you mommy! (she pats me on the head)
  • How do you make a sky?

I know as parents, we all hear things that just makes us smile from within. Since my daughter started talking, and trying to put all sorts of words together, its amazing to hear some of the stuff she comes up with. It makes you think again, that children are so innocent and they just speak with honesty.

A lot of times, she will say something, and I will laugh and laugh because it's just so funny. She will look right into my eyes and say, "It's not funny! Stop laughing at me, mommy!" Even that in itself, is amazing in my eyes.

I'm sure we all have moments like that, as our children keep growing, and hit different milestones, or points in their lives.

1 comment:

  1. precious! I remember when my kid asked me the oddest things,that were so honest.
