Thursday, April 16, 2009

Truely a miracle

I am 26 weeks pregnant, with my second child, and it still amazes me that a baby is inside my womb. It's weird because I go through the motions of pregnancy: going to midwife appointments, taking prenatal vitamins, looking at baby items, but it does not hit me that I am really pregnant, until I hear the heartbeat, or feel the baby move and kick me in places, I wish she would not. It's one of those unexplainable things that I cannot describe in detail because you would have to experience it yourself.

With my first pregnancy, everything was so quick, and I was so new to everything, it just felt as if I couldn't really absorb anything, and I just had to go along with it. This time around, it has been a little different. I ask more questions, I am more alert, and I know that I want to be in control, not being controlled by everybody, other than myself.

The first couple months, I was well aware I was pregnant because I was extremely nauseous. You go through the motions of going to midwife appointments, doing lab work, and of course, the ultrasound which shows your fetus growing (which I do not take for granted, by any means), however, the first moment that made me cry, was when I heard the baby's heartbeat. I just laid there in awe, listening to the heartbeat that was inside of me, it's unlike anything else. I still get emotional thinking about it. For me, it was the moment where I said to myself, "I am the mom to this baby." Instantly, my motherly instincts kicked in and I wanted to protect it and just do everything and anything for this baby.

Now, that I am 26 weeks into the pregnancy, the baby has made sure I know her personality, really well. I am pretty much being jabbed and kicked right now, as I speak. Her presence is definitely here and strong. It started with twirling movements, to little kicks here and there, and now she is a full fledged karate kid. But with every kick and every movement, I feel a special bond that is only between her and I.

As I look down at my ever slight stomach (I carry really small), it makes me smile and say ,"She is truely a miracle!"